Casual hourly | NZD 120 |
Casual full day | NZD 600 |
Recurring hourly | NZD 100 |
Recurring full day | NZD 500 |
Meeting Room 2 | $90 As required (excl GST) |
Main Clubroom & Meeting Room 2 (Includes Toilets) | $245 (excl GST) |
Pricing available on request |
1-50 people (hourly) | NZD 50 |
51-100 people (hourly) | NZD 100 |
100+ people (hourly) | NZD 150 |
On the basis of 1 guard per 50 attendees
Only for individual hirees (not businesses/groups)
Refundable bond | NZD 500 |
Casual hirers only. One-off for recurring
Dependent on booking details |